The Pessimist and Cynic's Look on Internet

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 10 Future of the Internet and Reflections

I predict, as many have that the Internet in future, is unpredictable.

But some things are clear, given our speed of advancement in technology, by the year 2019, things that are commonly used today may just disappear just like how CDs and VCDs are facing dwindling sales. Internet is here to stay, that is for sure, just that it would be further ehanced to make our lives easier and faster.

The amount of information out there will be countless, perhaps reaching a stage where the number of pieces of information will eventually outnumber the stars in outer space. However, with so much information, we ask ourselves, why the bulk? Where do they come from? And what do they do? It is predicted that already a majority of population in the world has their information uploaded somewhere in the web, be it MySpace, Facebook or whatever, soon the internet will have everyone's information whether the person uses Internet or not. And as such, our privacy is compromised, and the information may be benefical to us perhaps in a job interview, or it may very well backfire on us.

There goes security. Because of the bulk of information available, and more are coming each day, security remains a big issue. People are getting smarter each day, and some modify what is available. With each new security measure, there is someone out there to counter that by developing a malware to infiltrate. And the vicious cycle just goes round and round each day. Without the threat, there is no need, and when there is no need, advancement becomes stagnent. Which is why it makes prediction of the future hard because of the unknown future.

At least, some things are set and stone even today. Education and E-commerce are two aspects of the Internet that will continue to be popular. But I believe at some point, their advancement will start to decline, as there are some things that cannot be replaced by the virtual realm. The factor of human touch is enough to void all arguments with the Internet, because we as humans will die without social interaction, and Internet is one big devil that deprives us of it.

Whether Internet in future turn for the better or worse, it is hard to say now, because we as humans are capable of turning things around, whether for good or bad. The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability. So why not just sit back and enjoy what we have now, and be grateful for it. When the time comes for a solution, we are better prepared to deal with it because we know there is a need, and not worrying about something that we don't have enough evidence for.

Throughout this course, i'm glad i have learnt quite alot about the Internet, as compared to before i entered this course, all i know was internet can be used to buy things, chat with friends, play games and watch shows. I'm glad to have known more about the platform that i use so much everyday, and how it impacted my life in ways that never crossed my mind.